Field Samples Transport Services
What WE Do
Our truck in Europe for you.
Our Headquarters are located in Spain (the main way from Spain/France to Germany) and also with presence in Germany.
Drivers with national & international experience in “temperature controlled shipments” since 20 years, and since 2006 experience in GLP/GEP field samples transportation.
Only driving with new lorries, at the most 2 years old.
Telematik system included (we know where our lorries are / what is going inside / alarm system for temperature & door openings). 24 hours emergency service.

Lorries with ‘european assistance service’
Different lorries available between 7,5 & 12 tons (loading capacity between 1.3 & 3 tons), easy to reach & to load at every station
Experienced on to prepare tour plans in advance, also we know how important is the communication between driver & station.

Head Office
Blasco Ibáñez 110 B (46470)
Albal – Valencia (SPAIN)

Call Us
T. (+34) 961 844 383
M. (+34) 607 247 513